Museum piece Villalbeto de la Pena Nr. 25

For sale - Villalbeto de la Pena Nr. 25 - 394g

Here I present you a real museum piece.

It concerns a meteorite spectacularly flight oriented by the observed Fall in Spain. The meteorite of Spain in the near of the town Villalbeto de la Pena counts to the best documented felling! Thousands of eye witnesses on the Iberian Peninsula observed this brilliant fireball,when it crossed the cloudless sky of Spain in the late afternonn of January 4 in 2004. These scientifically valuable documents are available only for very few meteorite events.

To the stone:
The Villalbeto de la Pena #25 was found on 17 March 2004 by Thomas Grau / Germany. This very nice outstanding flight oriented stone is only the best oriented stone from this fall !! The very interesting shaped meteorite is featured by characteristics in form and shape in comparison to other meteorites. The distinctive shaped and consequently very rare uniaxial-flight-oriented specimen Villalbeto de la Pena Nr. 25 is additionally covered on the backside with many up to 7mm large fragments. The small meteorite fragments are even covered with fusion crust and firmly merged with the fusion crust of the backside. We can notice bridges or rather break-throughs between two clotty fragments. In the same way we recognize millimeter-deep holes,where no crustcovers the meteorite material.
The fusion crust is very structure-rich and apparently very thick on the backside. There are many different flowing and dripping structures with different crust color in the passage area between breastside and backside. The so called flow seperation edge is in excellent shape!

Villalbeto de la Pena Nr.25
Fall: 04.01.2004
Found: 17.03.2004
Time: 15.35 Uhr (MEZ)
Weight: 394g including two small broken fragments from this stone
Classification: L6
Dimensions: 80 x 70 x 50 mm

Please look to the pictures.

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Price: 59.000 Euro

This piece is for sale in order to pay new meteorite hunt. We would sell the exclusive piece gladly at a large private collection or a museum or university. Museums and universities are treated preferred !!! Just the best piece from this observeds fall !!! Who interest has reports itself please per e-mail. >Contact

Thank you very much for the interest.
Mirko Graul

(C) 2006 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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